I was exactly one year ago today we received THE call from Leah our adoption coordinator. She called our home around 4:15 pm. These are the first photos we saw of the TWINS!
This is the blog entry from one year ago:
I had been expecting a call from our coordinator for an update on things. Denver had been hit with a big snow storm so the agency had been without power/phones for 5 days. When she called me at 4:15 pm and said I do have some news for you, I immediately knew it was more than the update. She started to tell me she had our referral, that it was for twin boys, they appeared to be healthy and only 1 1/2 months old. Did I want her to send me their referral over the internet so we could take a look at their medical form and their pictures. I yelled at Parker, who was upstairs, to call his Dad and tell him to come home. I hung up the phone with Leah, knowing that as soon as Jamie made it home we would be seeing our double blessings from the LORD.
Jamie called and said that he was on his way home, and said, "Parker didn't say if it was for a boy or a girl?" I said, "Well that is the funny part. . . pause, it is for TWIN Boys!!!" Jamie is like are you kidding me? What do you think of twin boys? I said, "I think God has a great sense of humor and HE thinks we can do this." Parker and I are in shock, waiting for Jamie to get home. Paeton is outside soaking up the sun, doing her homework. Parker keeps asking me if he can go tell Paeton to come in. I said no, I did not want to tell her until Jamie got home. Even though we all had been praying that our desires would be HIS desires in this adoption, I just was not sure how she would react to twin boys, she really wanted a sister.
Jamie arrived, we called Paeton in and set up the video camera, to record us seeing the boys for the first time, and then Jamie pulled up the files. Paeton, sitting on my lap, thought at first it was a boy and a girl, we told her it was twin boys. We all knew immediately they were ours! It has taken a week to really sink in that we have twin sons waiting for us to bring them home.
We called my mom and dad who were both very excited. Jamie called his parents who had plans to go out to eat to celebrate his dad's 1 year of retirement, we asked if we could join them. So we met them out for dinner. Parker had one medical/picture in his pocket and the plan was that he would tell his grandparents we received our referral. So as they were ooohing and ahhing over Phisher's picture Paeton says, "We have another surprise for you!" She takes out the medical/picture of Phelix and presents them with the reality that we will be adopting TWINS!!! This was a super fun surprise!!
We got home and printed off pictures for the kids to take to school to show off their brothers. I do not think any of slept real well this night, too much excitement for one day!! We just feel so blessed! I will post soon about the CELEBRATION LUNCH dear friends treated me to the next day, and about the gifts Jamie bought the boys and brought to the luncheon!
This is the video of us opening the boys referral and seeing them for the very first time!
From this day one year ago until the day I had both boys in my arms in Ethiopia were some of the hardest days for me. I could not stop thinking that they needed me and I needed them! This time and the whole adoption experience taught me dependence on the LORD! As I look back I can now see that He was continuing to mold me and shape me in His image. His plans are the best and although I could not understand the waiting time for us to be together I now see the greater benefit and I am thankful. I can honestly say I thought I knew what a blessing He was bestowing on us but I just can not comprehend it still today. There are not words to describe how totally blessed beyond measure we are and how thankful we are each and every day for the twins. They have just added huge amounts of good, love and fun to our family! God is good!
1 comment:
Hugs and kisses to the boys!!!! The Anderson family loves them so much. Grace remembers chatting through the crib slats :)
Michelle, I'm so thankful we walked those hard days together, prayed together and then got to travel together! What fun and wonderful memories.
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