At the beginning of 2010, a class of 48 Confirmands committed to learning the books of the Bible, how to spell them with 80% accuracy, 4 mission projects, attendance and written summaries from church services, youth group attendance and to attend the opening and closing confirmation retreats. I am sure there were other requirements but these are the ones I could remember. This was the biggest confirmation class our church has ever had. We make a big deal out of Confirmation, well, because it is a big deal. Friday May 30 was a banquet held in honor of the confirmands. We had a delicious dinner, watched a slide show of infant, toddler and current photos submitted by the parents of the confirmands, watched as each confirmands 'mentor' read them a Bible verse specifically chosen for them and then each confirmand gave their testimony. Saturday May 1, during church each parent gave a blessing to their child in front of the church family. It was an incredible weekend full of memories that we will always treasure!
My name is Parker Outman and I just want say I have had a great time in confirmation. I’ve meet some great people, made a lot of friends ,and I appreciate the leadership of the Confirmation staff and especially Tim and Jane. I have been raised in a Christian home and have always attended Christian schools. Both have taught me a lot about living a Christian life and how to be God’s servant here on Earth.
But for me, I feel I really came to know Christ as my Savior in the summer of 2007 at Kanakuk Kamps. So, I go have a great time at Kamp and on the last night before the parents come to pick us up a speaker talked to us about God and Jesus and stuff. What he was talking about seemed pretty important so I listened and he told us that Jesus died on the cross for our sins and he shared this verse with us, “For the wages of sin is death”........ouch! I knew what sin was and I knew I had lied and done all that stuff.............. but, the gift of God is eternal life! He then told us how we could have eternal life by accepting Jesus into our heart, and thats what I did. I have continued to go to Kanakuk every summer.
Since I gave my life to Christ my life has changed drastically. I started my own Bible study for my friends and classmates. I also committed to a 2 year Bible study through Kanakuk called, Ironman, based on the scripture verse, Proverbs 27:17 “as iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.” Because I completed 2 years of the Ironman Bible study I earned the opportunity to serve on a mission trip to Ecuador. Me and 7 other guys and 4 mentors from Kanakuk went to Ecuador for a week in March this year to serve the people there. We loved on kids who live in extreme poverty and played a lot of soccer with them and served the children meals and even led a church service in a rural, tiny church in the Andes mountains where we were able to bring 20 children to Christ.
I am also looking forward to serving on a mission trip this June with JT and our JR high youth group.
Probably the most dramatic change in my life was when I became a big brother again last summer. God called our family to bring into our home an orphan from Ethiopia and I guess HE has a sense of humor because He gave us twins. One year ago, July 4, my family grew by four new feet when we brought home Phisher and Phelix, my twin brothers. Sometimes it is hard but this is how I try to live my life, God first, others second, and me third.
I am proud of you, I believe in you, and I love you.
You have always had a strong and quiet faith that has helped you to be a mighty warrior for Christ, and accomplish great things in service to him.
I always hoped to be your mentor and brother in Christ, that piece of iron that sharpens you, but I want you to know that you have been that just as much for me.
I know that God has great plan for you Parker and I look forward to watching his light shine through you.
Just as God said to Jesus, “ This is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased.”
Matthew 5:16
Proverbs 27:17
Coll. 1:10
1 Chron 28
Parker, Son,
as long as I can remember I have wanted to be a Mom. It seemed like forever before God answered my prayers and blessed me with you.
Poets have written eloquently about the love of a mother for her son because it is such a great love. I am so proud to be your Mom, and I love you deeply.
As your parents, we have accepted the challenge of raising a young man who can change the world for God. We are delighted for you to take part in the powerful purpose and unique mission God designed just for you.
As a disciple of Jesus, always stay true to who He created you to be. God created your individual personality and gave you special gifts and abilities. So in every thing you do, do your best-----choose the most important thing------the thing that will last for eternity.
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