pocket frogs 2


\\Dig Deep in Chuko

lilly pie

Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers

Christmas 2009, St George Island, FL

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

out of the mouths of babes. . . .

Phelix and Phisher have been attending pre-school three mornings a week for a couple of months now. They are really enjoying their class and have been blessed with terrific teachers who have gone above the call to reach and teach the boys.

This morning one of their teachers told me what happened on her way to school this morning. . . she had her two children in her car and drove through Mc Donald's and bought them a breakfast burrito to eat. Her 4 year old daughter took one bite of her burrito and wouldn't eat any more. Mom said to her daughter, "please eat your breakfast, you know how sad it makes me when you waste food. There are children all over the world, children in Ethiopia who have no food at all and are starving, they would love to eat this burrito." To which her precious 4 year old daughter replied, "Mom, you have two children in your class from Ethiopia, why don't you just give it to them."

1 comment:

Missy said...

That's so awesome. What a stinker!!! He's gonna keep you laughing for years!