pocket frogs 2


\\Dig Deep in Chuko

lilly pie

Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers

Christmas 2009, St George Island, FL

Friday, May 29, 2009

Who Am I? Casting Crowns

Hi there, I have an update from our court date, it is good news, not exactly the news I was hoping for, but it is good and we are thankful.  We have a new court date, June 8th.  The boys mother showed up late to court.  There was a "positive opinion" rendered, which means, we passed, but not officially.  I am at peace with His timing, I really am.  I ask you to PRAISE HIM with us today for this good news and answer to our prayers that will be official on June 8th.  Thank you, for your love, your support, and most of all for your prayers and petition to our LORD on our families behalf.  

When I called my mom to tell her this update, the Holy Spirit broke through my guarded heart and and I broke and listened to HIM.  I am so overwhelmed by the Lords compassion and love for me, HIS daughter.  I love how protective of my heart He is.  I truly believe He blessed me with this "positive opinion" because He wants my full trust, my full obedience, and all of my faith in Him alone.  He is finishing a work He has begun in me.  I am humbled by HIS love and grace.  He loves me so much, He chose to complete His work in me and my heart before He trusts me with more of His work.  My Father knew that I am weak and could not have accepted a 'not pass' judgement.  With so much love and compassion, that I am not deserving of, He personally gave me the assurance of His promise to answer my hearts desire.  Please pray for me to be, "clay in His hands", that I will be sweet music to His ears alone and my heart and my will be yielded to Him alone.

This song from Casting Crowns, Who am I, keeps playing in my mind.  "Who am I, that the Lord of all the earth would care to know my name, would care to know my hurt, Who am I, that the eyes that see my sin, would look on me with love and watch me rise again, Who am I . . . I am HIS!


The Andersons said...

You are a great testimony and witness. The Lord is working all this out in His timing that is BEST for all of you!

Lory Howlett said...

Hi Michelle, I'm glad you at least know the outcome of your court date, and it won't be long now!

I am originally from KC (living in Colorado now, I can't exactly say I love Kansas City) but I went to school at Wash U in St. Louis...so I know St. Louis! We are passing through KC on our way to take our oldest girl to Kanakuk near Branson. Amelia and one of her sissies and a cousin and Grammy and I will pass the week in/around Branson and Lake of the Ozarks until it's time to bring our Kamper home. If we were near St. Louis, I would have loved to make contact!
God bless you and ALL of yours,

guatamalagal said...

I am just now catching up on everyhting that has been going on. You are lifted up sister, you are lifted way up. Every piece of good new, even ever so small, is good news. Just remember in these last stages that it is alright to just be "still" and let our Father hold you. You all are getting so close to bringing your babies home. It will all come together soon. I pray peace, strength and courage for the next week weeks. God Bless you all!